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Council Meeting – 13th November

Modbury Parish Council Extra-ordinary Meeting
Monday 13th November 2023, 10.00am


Public Forum: Members of the public and press are welcome to attend
Members of the public may make representations at a meeting in respect of the business on the agenda. A member of the public shall not speak for more than 3 minutes and the period for public participation at a meeting shall not exceed 30 minutes.

In accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, S1(2), the Council determines that agenda item 2023 127 will be taken with the public excluded.

2023 124 Apologies: To receive apologies and to approve reasons for absence.

2023 125 Declarations of pecuniary and other interests
Councillors are reminded of the need to update their register of interests within 28 days if there have been any changes to their circumstances.

2023 126 Planning
1. To consider the following Planning applications:
a) 3566/23/FUL Mr & Mrs Pinkney Conversion of existing detached garage and store into habitable accommodation within the domestic curtilage of the existing dwelling The Ostlers Brownston Street Modbury PL21 0RQ
b) 3412/23/FUL Mr & Mrs D Cook Proposed ground standing 20No solar panels, associated equipment & batteries Witchcombe House Ugborough PL21 0HR – – we are consulting you as a neighbouring Parish
c) 3452/23/TCA Mr Nick Owen Description: T1: Silver Birch – crown height reduction by 2.5m, and lateral crown reduction on all sides by 1m, T2: Cherry – crown height reduction by 3.5m, lateral crown reduction on all sides by 1m 17 Church Street Modbury Ivybridge PL21 0QP
d) 3480/23/LBC Mr James Riggs – SJ Southwest Developments Ltd Listed Building Consent for renewal of flat roof covering, repairs to chimney stacks, recladding of dormer, replacement lean-to roof covering from polycarbonate to slate with insertion of conservation roof light, replacement of UPVC windows to painted timber, internal repairs & replacing courtyard hard surfacing from pre-cast concrete slabs to granite setts 9 Church Street Modbury PL21 0QW
e) 3462/23/LBC and 3461/23/HHO Mr Julian Thomas Listed Building Consent for removal of disused bin storage recess in roadside wall & infill with local stone to match existing wall, replace rotten arched window with arched side opening window, new narrow shelf will enable future maintenance of replaced window, rear of property & bracken/brambles to be cut back The Old Methodist School New Road Modbury PL21 0QQ

2023 127 To discuss Parish Council personnel matters


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