Council Meeting – 1st August
Modbury Parish Council Meeting
Tuesday 1st August 2023, 7.00 pm
Pavilion, QEII Recreation Field
Present Cllr Barbara Price (BP) (Chair), Bill Cole (BC), Gerry McAllister (GM), Phil Smith (PS), Dave Trigger (DT), Ann Turner (AT), Sarah Wyatt (SW)
Cllr Rufus Gilbert (RG) (DCC) was also present
5 Members of the public were in attendance
Cllr Price sent condolences to ex councillor Stan Pratt’s family on behalf of Council. His years as a Parish Councillor were acknowledged.
2023 85 Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Nathanson who had work commitments. Cllr Taylor (SHDC) had also sent his apologies.
Devon Councillor’s Report (RG)
– Has progressed matters regarding the BT manhole at Goutsford
– The proposal to close the mobile library service has been called in for scrutiny
BP commented that the service has been run down over the years and the recent consultation had been aimed at current users and did not recognise the potential for a future diversified role
– Church Lane disabled parking bays are being abused and it is proposed to change these to mandatory spaces for blue card holders
– DCC has additional funding to re-do all the white give-way and stop lines at junctions in the County
PS commented that this was positive news but that in Modbury the main concern was for the increasing problem with pot-holes. Modbury road warden team will be doing a survey of all the pot-holes and will meet with DCC on completion
RG left at 7.20pm
2023 86 There were no declarations of interests
2023 87 Minutes of Meetings 4th July 2023
a) The Council considered the draft Minutes (distributed earlier). Proposed by AT, seconded by DT and all were in favour they be approved as a true and accurate record.
Matters Arising:
– Devon Rural Archives are visiting the office Friday 4th Aug to review the archive resources we hold
– Church Lane allotments – there are still no sale details but offers are welcome. One previous offer has been declined. The request for them to be made a community asset is progressing
– Hedgehog signs in Modbury – It was agreed that AT would respond to the member of the public
– Manhole at Goutsford is now marked up by DCC for remedial work
– Air quality monitoring is in hand
2023 88 Finance
a) Proposed by PS, seconded by AT and all in favour that the payments as listed in Appendix 1 be approved
b) The Reconciliation was noted
c) Proposed by BP, seconded by PS and all in favour that £65,000 be transferred to the savings account and the FHR Committee review on a regular basis.
d) Proposed by BP, seconded by AT and all in favour of the payment of £94 for the clerk’s subscription to The Society of Local Council Clerks (shared with Ugborough Parish Council)
e) Proposed by PS, seconded by AT and all in favour of renewing the printer contract with Ricoh – no change to subscription and a reduction in cost per copies. (Based on the Government framework assuring best value and having been fully tendered)
f) Proposed by PS, seconded by AT and all in favour of renewing membership of Devon Communities Together – £50 per annum
g) The minutes from the last Committee meeting were received
i) Proposed by PS, seconded by AT and all in favour that the revised financial regulations be approved for discussion at the up-coming meeting with representatives from the MARS Committee
ii) Proposed by BP, seconded by PS and all in favour of progressing work with the independent internal auditor (Per Pro Services) to review current working practices and offer options for future arrangements for the processes and procedures between MPC and MARS, together with analysis vis-à-vis current local government legislation for each option.
2023 89 Planning
1. The following planning applications were considered:
a) 2070/23/HHO Mr Patrick Joseph Householder application for dwellings extension &
changes as outlined in the documents (Resubmission of 0559/23/HHO) Clyng Mill Kingston
Previous MPC comment: MPC requests that all consideration has been given to wildlife and there is no interference to the different wildlife habitats. Support
MPC are satisfied with the ecology survey
Proposed by AT, seconded by BP and all in favour of supporting this application
b) 1837/23/FUL Mr Steven Lovegrove Proposed freestanding single storey
agricultural/storage building Field At Sx 6681 5216 Modbury
MPC is concerned that this is over-development of the site. There is concern that the slope downhill to the pond would create agricultural run-off from the land to enter the natural spring water.
MPC note that there there is still a caravan on site despite this previously being a matter for enforcement
It was agreed that MPC cannot comment further on the application until the enforcement matter is resolved and requests that SHDC undertake a site visit.
2023 90 Highways
1. “Ignore SATNAV” signs for the road through Swanbridge Mill
It was agreed that this problem would be better solved at a national level and that MPC could not support installation of signs at individual locations.
2. Removal of parking on Church Street
It was agreed that this was part of a wider issue of traffic and parking problems in Modbury and further thought and consideration would need to be put into the whole matter.
2023 91 Community Engagement
Proposal from Cllr McAllister for promoting and supporting the life of Modbury High Street
It was agreed to establish a working group comprising Cllrs McAllister and Wyatt and representatives from the community. The group to agree Terms of Reference for approval at the next Council meeting.
2023 92 Policy
1. Cllr Wyatt’s proposal for the establishment of an Innovation Working Group
It was agreed that this would be considered at the Council Strategy Day
2. It was agreed to set up a whatsapp group for Councillors. BC elected not to join the group
2023 93 Sustainable Modbury
1. Feedback from the recent meeting with SWW regarding the sewerage works in January 2024
Two main issues had been discussed:
– The proposed sewerage works in Modbury – SWW’s reason for a combined pipe rather than 2 separate ones is the extent of other utility sources under the road. They are currently undertaking research to see if they can use a different repair process that would reduce the length of time to complete the work.
– Modbury Treatment Works – it was felt that SWW response to concerns was unsatisfactory and this is being pursued.
The Water Quality Group are seeking a second opinion from the Environmental Agency regarding both matters.
2. Water quality parish councils meeting – notes are available on our website
2023 94 Maintenance
1. Play Area Agreement with SHDC
Proposed by PS, seconded by BP and all agreed this was exceptional value for money and Council would sign into the agreement.
2. Feedback on the meeting with DCC at Leighmoor Cross regarding grass verge management
A satisfactory agreement has been reached for future management of the verge between MODWAG and DCC
3. To consider the agreement with DCC to use the Devon and Somerset Standing List of Approved Contractors (currently expires end March 2025.)
Proposed by PS, seconded by BP and all in favour that this agreement be signed for use for future tendering and procurement. MPC will continue to build up a list of approved smaller local contractors.
2023 95 MARS
The minutes from the last Committee meeting were received and financial statements noted.
Council resolved to continue the meeting beyond the 2 hours to complete the business on the agenda.
2023 96 Committees, Sub-committees and Working Groups:
P3 – Clearance work has taken place on FP1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 and a stile repaired on FP5. Work continues on the renewal of a finger post at Donkey Lane and the poor condition of the final stretch of FP3 will be considered at the next meeting of the Maintenance Committee.
Homes for Ukraine Support Team – There are currently no Ukrainian guests remaining in Modbury, although one single person is expected to return at the end of the summer, so there have been no calls on the Support Team in the last month. We have received an email from SHDC expressing their thanks for the work of the team. MPC thank PS in particular
Modbury Litter Pickers – There have been no organized group litter picks in the last month and, as reported last time, none are programmed during the summer. All members will, however, continue to keep an eye on their designated patches on an informal basis.
Drain on Broad Street – BC has met with DCC Utilities Inspector and this will be discussed at the Maintenance Committee meeting.
2023 96 Correspondence received:
1. Communication regarding overhanging vegetation on various walkways
Clerk to request details of locations and will write to the residents concerned
2. Communication from South Hams Arts Forum requesting permission to hang a banner advertising the October Arts Trail over Church Street
MPC supports the initiative but has no power to grant permission and the organisation needs to contact DCC
2023 97 The Saturday Rota was agreed:
5th August Bill Cole
12th August Gerry McAllister
19th August Gerry McAllister
26th August Barbara Price
2nd Sept. Phil Smith
9th Sept. Dave Trigger
Meeting closed at 9.16pm
- Community Engagement Committee
- Emergency Plan Committee
- Finance and Human Resources Committee
- Homes for Ukraine Support Group
- Maintenance Committee
- Modbury Association of Recreation and Sports Committee
- Planning Committee
- School and Barracks Road Safety Working Group
- Sustainable Modbury Committee
- View all Meetings