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Council Meeting – 4th July

Modbury Parish Council Meeting
Tuesday 4th July 2023, 7.00 pm
The Pavilion, QEII Recreation Field


Present Cllr Barbara Price (BP) (Chair), Bill Cole (BC), Gerry McAllister (GM), Dave Trigger (DT), Ann Turner (AT)
Also present Cllrs Rufus Gilbert (RG)(DCC) and Bernard Taylor (BT)(SHDC)

6 members of the public were in attendance

Public Forum
A member of the public noted that the outline planning application for the proposed Penn Park development seemed to have gone quiet and asked if it was time for Council to draw attention to the alternative site as identified in the JLP to address local housing needs, having more appealing access to the town and its amenities.
BT responded that the application was still live and that the developers were waiting for some responses from SHDC regarding certain issues before submitting the application. In reply to a question regarding the nature of the issues he responded that he was unable to share full details at this stage but confirmed the footpath access was one of the matters. Following the suggestion that, given the delay and difficulties, Council should look at the alternative site in response to the increasing demand for local housing BT re-iterated that the application was live and that the developers were unlikely to withdraw their interest. He suggested that to begin the process of pursuing an alternative site for the JLP that is not up for review until 2024 would take longer than waiting for the issues with the current proposal to be resolved and the current plan to be pursued. On suggestion that some of the issues might not be resolved he responded that the opinion was that there was nothing in the current proposals that couldn’t be resolved.

Report from Devon County Councillor (RG)
– advised that the extension of yellow lines along Barracks Road had been agreed and noted that there were now 3 outstanding yellow lines works in Modbury (Galpin Street, Brownston Street and Barracks Road)– Clerk to pursue in the hope that all 3 works could be dealt with at the same time
– advised that rather than pursue OpenReach to repair and better maintain all their manholes, MPC focus on specific problem ones. BC and GM to provide clerk with specific details of the one at Goutsford and the clerk to report on the portal.

Report from South Hams District Councillor (BT)
– South Hams and West Devon District Councils have won the MJ award for best
Senior Leadership Teams in Local Government. The award cited the strong focus
on working on behalf of residents, making sure that high-quality, customer-focused
services were delivered.
– More funding is available to help people with cost of living crisis
– an on-site meeting is scheduled at Orcheton Oldaport to consider options for addressing the serious problems of flooding there)
– supports the application to list Modbury Church Lane Allotments as a community asset

2023 71 Apologies were received from Cllrs Nathanson (work commitments), Smith (Holiday) and Wyatt (Holiday)

2023 72 There were no declarations of interests

2023 73 Minutes of Meetings 6th June 2023
a) The Council considered the draft Minutes (distributed earlier). Proposed by DT, seconded by AT and all were in favour they be approved as a true and accurate record.
Matters Arising:
– Devon Rural Archives have accepted the offer to take the old minutes and documents for safe-keeping
– Work has begun on “The Patch” railings and SHDC will pay the contractor direct for this work
– Allotments – an application to make them a community asset has been submitted. Council have made enquiries regarding land accessed from Galpin Street for alternative or additional provision and this is on hold pending a decision on the future of Church Lane allotments, further consultation on future interest in owning an allotment from parishioners and research into any planning restrictions regarding land-use.
– Dog fouling Burn’s Lane – the dog warden has visited Modbury to review the area and will be considering any further support SHDC can give. Dog owners are reminded that all dogs must be on leads in all built-up areas and any fouling that does occur must be cleared. Dog owners are also requested not to allow their dogs to urinate on peoples door-steps.

2023 74 Finance
a) Proposed by DT, seconded by AT and agreed by all that the payments as listed in Appendix 1 be approved
b) The Reconciliation and Ear Marked Reserves were noted
c) Proposed by AT, seconded by GM and all in favour that the data-security breach endorsement be added to the current insurance policy (£52 per annum (£45 pro-rata))

2023 75 Planning
1. The following Planning applications were considered:
a) 1292/23/HHO and 1494/23/LBC Miss Elaine Gosling Householder application for single storey extension, roof lights to bedrooms & gateway in garden Gate Cottage Old Traine Modbury PL21 0RN
It was noted that the conservation planning officer had already supported the application.
Proposed by AT, seconded by BP and agreed by all to support this application
b) 1889/23/VAR Mr And Mrs M Bruce Application for variation of condition 2 (approved drawings) of planning consent 0829/22/FUL Widland Farm Cottage Modbury PL21 0SA
Proposed by AT, seconded by DT and agreed by all to support this application
c) 1669/23/FUL Mr James Francis Change of use of public open space land to residential garden curtilage (part retrospective) Development Site At SX 657 516 Back Street Modbury
It was noted that there had been a majority Council decision on 4th January 2022 to support the sale of the land by the Memorial Hall Trustees as it did not impinge on the Play Area leased to the Council and was considered to be land that did not detract significantly from the offer of open space to the public. There were certain conditions and reservations conveyed to the Trustees at the time.
Council agreed to object to this planning application which was considered to lack detail and clarity regarding its purpose and uncertainty that the conditions and restrictions have been met.
d) 2200/23/TCA T1: Cherry – fell, T2: Pittosporum – crown height reduction by 2m 5 Brownston Street, Modbury. PL21 0RG
This late application was considered as the deadline for responses fell before the next meeting. It was agreed to support the recommendation of the tree warden.

2023 76 Policy
Proposed by DT, seconded by AT and agreed that the new Freedom of Information Policy be adopted

2023 77 Highways
The request for hedgehog signs in Modbury was considered and it was agreed that a proliferation of roadside signs causes clutter and would have a minimal impact for hedgehog safety and so Council do not wish to invest in these resources. More constructive measures would be speed limits and provision for access across gardens and open land.

2023 78 Maintenance
The minutes from the Committee Meeting were received. The next meeting of the Committee is on 7th August.

2023 79 Community Engagement
1. The minutes from the committee were received
2. Proposals for the update of “The Explorer’s Guide to Modbury” were considered and it was agreed that this would be put on hold pending the outcome of the recent Time Team project in the town in anticipation of this providing new content.
It was agreed to promote the leaflets around the town.

2023 80 Sustainable Modbury
1. Water Quality – Notes from the recent meeting to follow.
The Parish and Town Councils group are finalising their Terms of Reference to position the group as a support for the various local initiatives taking place to improve the water health of The River Erme. A checklist is being created for all Councils to use when considering planning applications. There are currently 18 people in Modbury who have volunteered to be samplers for the continued monitoring of water quality.
Proposed by AT, seconded by GM and agreed by all that MPC would grant fund 12 kits at a cost of £30 each.
2. Grass Verge at Leighmoor Cross
There will be a site meeting with DCC on 18th July to discuss verge management following the recent cut of wild flowers and a demolition of a young tree.
3. A meeting will take place to consider wildlife planting in The Patch
4. A request has been received from a local resident to hold grant funding she has been offered for her sustainable land management practices. It was agreed that this would be considered on provision of further information
5. MPC has approached SHDC to undertake air quality monitoring in Church Street and this will take place when siting for the equipment has been agreed.

2023 81 MARS
The minutes from the recent committee meeting will be available at the August meeting. A meeting has been arranged with a representative from Devon Communities Together to agree on solutions for the least bureaucratic and most effective management of the facilities.

2023 82 Updates from other Committees, Sub-committees and Working Groups:
P3 Liaison
– The following work has taken place this month:
Clearance work on FP1, 2, 4, 5 and 7, Step repairs on FP5, Clearance work in Runaway Lane, Necessary adjustments to various self-closing gates on the network,
– In the forthcoming period it is planned to undertake stile repairs on FP7, renewal of a finger post at Donkey Lane and clearance work on FP3.
– Complaints about the poor surface of the final section of FP3 approaching Brownston have been received. Devon CC have been approached but cannot make the path a priority for attention this year.
Standing orders were dropped for the P3 co-ordinator to contribute
It was agreed that this matter would be considered by the maintenance committee following input from Brownston residents.
Standing orders resumed.
· The P3 Coordinator has also undertaken some vegetation clearance around the Grade 2 listed milestones on the California Cross road at Mary Cross and suggests this becomes routine maintenance work for the 3 milestones in the parish. Agreed that this would be considered by the maintenance committee.
Homes for Ukraine Support Team
– One of the two remaining Ukrainian guests has now left Modbury and the sole remaining guest and her hosts are well settled and the Team has not needed to be involved in the last month.

Modbury Litter Pickers
There have been no organized group litter picks in the last month and none are programmed during the summer. All members will continue to keep an eye on their designated patches on an informal basis.

2023 83 Correspondence received:
1. Communication from Modbury History Society regarding the stones from Barracks Wall
Standing Orders were dropped for input from members of the public.
It was agreed that MPC is committed to store the stone on the MARS Recreation Field ad infinitum.

2023 84 The Saturday Rota was agreed:
8th July Phil Smith
15th July Dave Trigger
22nd July Ann Turner
29th July Sarah Wyatt
5th August Bill Cole
12th August Gerry McAllister

Council welcomed the opening of the gadget shop in town and wish them every success.

Meeting closed at 8.42pm


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