Maintenance Committee
Modbury Parish Council Maintenance Committee Meeting
Tuesday 20th February 2024 4.00pm in the Parish Office
PRESENT: Cllrs Phil Smith (Chair)(PS), Bill Cole (BC), Barbara Price (BP) and Sarah Wyatt (SW)
2023 41M There were no apologies for absence
2023 42M proposed by PS, seconded by BC and all agreed to accept the minutes of the last meeting
Matters arising:
• Concrete plinth on the verge to the west of Church Lane – Clerk to chase one more time
• Emergency plan – SW had done a lot of work on updating and streamlining the plan and it was agreed it was a greatly improved document.
Clerk to invite a representative from Devon Communities Together to a meeting to consider the plan
SW to research training for the 3 important role holders and First Aid Training
2023 43M Tree Surgeons
The quotations from four tree surgeons were scored using their quotations for sample tasks.
Proposed by PS, seconded by SW and all agreed to award a 5 year contract to Coastal Garden Services pending a satisfactory annual review and an agreed Service Level Agreement
Clerk to arrange a meeting
2023 44M Highways
1. Road ploughing – agreed Clerk to search the SLOAC contractors list and contact DCC Highways for companies to get quotes from
2. Road Warden work update
– salt/grit bags have been distributed and will be collected when threat of ice is over
– Potholing has been on hold pending close of SWW works and bad weather
– advantage has been taken of the road closure to do the more urgent work on Church Lane
3. Drain / buddle hole clearing update
– Work has been done at Blue Gate Hill, Brownston, Buddle hole opposite Moorview, Toll House on the junction with the A379, Mary Cross and Three Tors Farm
2023 45M Replacement picnic table for Champernowne
The quotations for picnic table (£660, £735, £695, £600 (Octagonal to seat 8)
Accessible £570 (To seat 5+1) £695 (Octagonal to seat 7 +1)) were considered.
Proposed by BP, seconded by PS and all in favour of purchasing the octagonal table from Recycled Furniture Company
2023 46M Memorial Bench
The three proposals for the gifted memorial bench (distributed previously) were considered
Proposed by SW, seconded by BP and all in favour that MPC would request the bench from Earth Anchors based on being better accessible for those with mobility issues and a sturdier and more robust and sustainable build.
2023 47M P3
– PS is completing the path survey
– clerk to complete grant application for 24 – 25
– PS to draft advert for P3 team volunteers for the next Messenger
– PS and CP to meet with DCC P3 team to discuss future partnership arrangements
2023 48M Parking at Palm Cross
Proposed by BC, seconded by SW and all in favour of setting the fee for a palm Cross parking plot for 24-25 at £150 (to include VAT)
2023 49M General Maintenance Work update
Bushes on pavement wall on Church Street
Various work on the bollards – Palm Cross parking
Noticeboards – header and locks
Cleaning of slippery play area equipment
Further work on tree stump in play area
Clerk to chase for invoice
Meeting closed at 6.10pm
2023 50M Date of next meeting Tuesday 23rd April, 4pm in the parish office.
- Community Engagement Committee
- Emergency Plan Committee
- Finance and Human Resources Committee
- Full Council
- Homes for Ukraine Support Group
- Modbury Association of Recreation and Sports Committee
- Planning Committee
- School and Barracks Road Safety Working Group
- Sustainable Modbury Committee
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