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Maintenance Committee Meeting – 29th March 2023

Modbury Parish Council Maintenance Committee Meeting

Wednesday 29th March, 6.30pm in The Parish Office


PRESENT:      Cllrs Rob West (RW)(Chair), Andy Walker (AW), Pete Watts (PW)


2022 19M      There were no apologies for absence


2022 20M      Marigold’s Day

  • Plans for the day are well in hand and, as in previous years, individual jobs have been identified and work sheets prepared detailing tools required and procedures to use.
  • It will be a 9.30 start at the parish office for volunteers to register.
  • Copies of the risk assessment and procedures will be available on the registering desk
  • Any individuals who start their tasks without coming first to the office will be asked to register throughout the day as organisers circulate.
  • It will be explained to volunteers that if they do not register they will be working at their own risk and will not be covered by parish council insurance
  • Volunteer application forms will be available for people to leave their details if they wish to be entered on the volunteer database for future projects
  • Refreshments will be served in the pavilion at 4pm
  • SHDC Localities team will be providing extra equipment a week before the event and RW will check there are sufficient resources
  • SHDC will do a special waste collection following the event


2022 21M      Play parks  – Review of maintenance needs

  • The maintenance team and EMP have been keeping on top of faults highlighted by the monthly safety checks.
  • Earthwrights have been called in under warranty to remedy problems identified at the last check


2022 21M      Grass cutting

  1. a) It was agreed that Arbocure are providing an excellent and flexible service and that the contract will continue. The Patch to be added to the schedule
  2. b) Rewilding areas (managed by MODWAG) are on the 2 verges at the entrance to Church Lane


2022 22M      Road maintenance

RW expressed his willingness to continue as Road Warden from May 9th onwards


2022 23M      Tuckers Brook – The Patch

  1. a) It was agreed to get 3 quotes for the painting of the fence and the trimming of the trees / hedges
  2. b) It was agreed that Council would provide a picnic table in the new financial year
  3. c) It was agreed that the Patch would be added to the grass cutting schedule – 9 cuts
  4. d) Clerk to order a sign for the area


2022 24M      Date for next meeting to be agreed once the new council is in place. RW happy to attend for a hand-over.


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