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Maintenance Committee Meeting

Modbury Parish Council Maintenance Committee Meeting
Monday 11th December 2023 2.00pm in The Parish Office
PRESENT: Cllrs Phil Smith (PS)(Chair), Bill Cole (BC), Barbara Price (BP) and Sarah Wyatt (SW)
2023 35M There were no apologies for absence
2023 36M Proposed by BP, seconded by SW and all that the minutes of the last meeting were a true record
Matters arising:
 Concrete plinth on the verge to the west of Church Lane – no update. Clerk to chase
 Replacement bench in Champernowne – Champernowne Play Park Group (CPPG) has met and agreed in principle to fund either a repair or a replacement of the bench.
2023 37M Tree Survey
1. The three quotations received to undertake the tree works identified in the tree survey were considered and (after modifications to the highest quotation to account for the extra work it covered) it was proposed by BC, seconded by BP and all in favour of appointing Coastal Garden Services at £300+VAT to do the work.
2. Proposed by BP, seconded by BC and all agree that the clerk will contact the tree survey company for advice on the most effective means of obtaining a meaningful quotation from a tree surgeon who would then be contracted for a period of 5 years (subject to a satisfactory annual review) to undertake tree works as and when needed during that period without the time-consuming business for MPC and the companies contacted of securing 3 quotes for every bit of work.
3. It was agreed that the tree works to be added to the tree surgeons work in response to requests from parishioners would be:
– Tree at Tuckers Brook encroaching on Moonsmead House
– Trees in the wooded area adjacent to houses on Pearse Gardens
– Tree on Barracks Road adjacent to Taormina
4. Proposed by BP, seconded by SW and all agreed that Coastal Garden Services would undertake the planting of a tree in the Memorial Hall Play Area as per the conditions on the planning application and would be asked to choose the most
suitable location.
2023 38M Emergency Plan
1. Proposed by BP, seconded by PS and all agreed that SW will draft a much implified Emergency Plan comprising a list of contacts, venues and brief detail of procedures
2. SW to compile a list of contents for an emergency box for the clerk to create
3. Saturday rota to include responsibility for ensuring the charge for the two-way radios is topped up on a weekly basis
2023 39M Highways
1. The comprehensive first draft of the report from Callidus Highways consultant was considered and it was agreed that the clerk would request the following 3 amendments prior to taking the final report to full council in February:
– to include the analysis of the creation of a walkway at the top of Church street using the land offered by residents and give reasons for not listing as a viable option
– To add a 4th option to section 3 (in the light of recent information regarding land availability) for an off-road footpath between the junction of Dark Lane and Barracks Road and the pedestrian access to the recreation ground.
– To amend section 7 Summary and Recommendations accordingly
2. Road ploughing – Agreed that clerk resource quotations based on day rates and cost for disposal and then apply for grant from DCC
3. Road Warden update – 200+ holes have been mapped and team was thanked for work to date and the distribution of salt bags around the town.
4. Drain / buddle hole clearing update – BC reported on the considerable problems created by recent weather and updated on flooding alleviated.
Correspondence had been received reporting flooding alleviation being done on the A379 and BC acknowledged that it had been him. It was noted and BC was reminded:
– that in no circumstances should any volunteers be working on any A roads in any capacity.
-That it was dangerous for the volunteer and put other road users at risk.
– That Lone working is not allowed
– That non-use of warning signage is not allowed
– That Council insurance did not cover A road work should there be an incident
BC gave assurances that he would not work on A roads in future
2023 40M General Maintenance Work
1. Work done to date by MS contracting was reviewed
2. It was agreed that the clerk would contact MODWAG to confirm if they would continue with the upkeep of shrubbery in Memorial Hall Play Area and if not it would be added to the contractor’s work schedule.
Date of next meeting:
Tuesday 20th February 2024
Meeting closed at 4.45pm


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