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Meeting of Modbury Parish Council with Bloor Homes 17th September 2024

Notes of meeting between Parish Council and representatives of Bloor Homes

Published: 23 September 2024

Modbury Parish Council

Meeting with Bloor Homes, 17 September 2024 1430hrs Parish Office


Present: Cllrs Barbara Price (BP), Bill Cole (BC), Tony Price (TP), Phil Smith (PS), Ann Turner (AT), Richard Foss (RF).

Apologies for absence: Cllrs David Trigger (work commitments) and Sarah Wyatt (holiday).

District Cllr Bernard Taylor (BT) (SHDC) was also present.

For Bloor Homes: Dan Templeton (Planning Potential – consultant), Dan Allwood (Senior Planning Director Bloor Homes, Exeter Office), James Artingstall (Development Planner, Bloor Homes, Exeter Office).

Following introductions, Bloor Homes tabled copies of plans and concept statements in relation to land to the north of the current Palm Cross development stating that they wished to consult with the Parish Council and the community on proposals for a new development of up to 100 homes.

In response, BP asked whether Bloor Homes had seen and understood the statement which had been sent to them making the points that the site concerned was not a development site in the Joint Local Plan or Modbury Neighbourhood Plan and was outside the town development boundary. The Bloor team said they had received it but, in view of the new government’s drive for faster new housing delivery, were bringing this scheme forward despite it not being in the current programme. They advised that no planning application had yet been submitted.

BP added that because there is no application the Council will not comment on detail but will simply listen to what Bloor Homes had to say and seek clarification where this was needed.

Before then, however, she wished to express the Council’s concern at the way the consultation was being handled by Bloor. First it was noted that the Council had not been made aware of Bloor’s intentions until after the public meeting had been arranged and that it appeared to us that the current meeting was an afterthought and was therefore disrespectful. Second, there appeared to be little transparency in the arrangements, with the Memorial Hall booking being made by a third party – Communications Potential – without clarification of the real purpose. Third, it was misleading to state that the proposal was Phase 3 of the original development – it is a totally new scheme – and four, the documents repeatedly refer to Modbury as a village when it has long been a town.

Dan Templeton (Planning Potential) confirmed that Communications Potential is a sister company of his consultancy and apologised if it looked as if he and his clients were not consulting openly and transparently and said they certainly did not wish to appear disrespectful. He reiterated that their intention had been to start a dialogue.

Councillors requested that Bloor makes it clear in the public consultation that these issues were their responsibility and that the Parish Council had not been involved at any point in drawing up their proposals. This was agreed by Bloor representatives.

Mr Templeton did add that consultations had been made with a senior planner at SHDC about the need for an environmental impact assessment (subsequently they received a letter confirming that an Environmental Statement will not be required as part of any planning application) but that they had not had any other pre-application planning consultations with the DC.

Dan Allwood stated that the reason for bringing the scheme forward was that it was an opportune time – that the new government’s review of the National Planning Policy Framework has made it clear that local authorities must do more to facilitate developers delivering increased numbers of new homes – and this will contribute to SHDC’s new, increased targets. He advised that SHDC was likely to have to deliver 80% more homes in the next plan period (2024-44) than in the current one (2014-34).

Several Councillors made the point that the new NPPF is not yet approved – indeed consultations are still ongoing – and, even when it is, there will be a delay whilst statutory development and neighbourhood plans are negotiated and implemented by the responsible authorities. Until they are, this scheme would not seem to comply with current planning policies and plans.

Mr Allwood described the main elements of the proposed scheme:

  • Currently looking at a scheme of 70-80 homes but possibly up to 100.
  • 30% affordable (in line with local policy).
  • Built to Future Homes standards (the new Building Regulations standard including improvedeco standards).
  • Retaining existing field boundaries and hedgerows.
  • Includes an area of community woodland and other open space.
  • Drainage basins for sustainable surface water drainage.
  • Provides pedestrian links to the QE2 recreation ground.
  • Vehicular access via Lanveoc Way.
  • S106/CIL contributions for education/highways and other infrastructure to be discussed.He indicated that an outline planning application would be submitted in October.Several questions were asked by Councillors concerned about foul drainage, traffic movements, school and health centre capacity, and housing for local people. There were also concerns expressed about the dilatory way Bloor Homes completed the earlier schemes – it was noted that one former councillor had spent almost five years to get Bloor to meet its legal responsibilities.

    Mr Allwood said he was unaware of this and suggested that the newly-opened Exeter office would be more committed and responsive than the Swindon office which delivered the previous schemes. Mr Allwood undertook to review documentation from the Swindon office about any unresolved issues on the Palm Cross estate and provide us with a summary for comment

    BP summarised the Council’s position at the end of the meeting, reiterating that it had no comment to make about the proposals at this stage. Mr Templeton thanked the Council for meeting with him and his clients and acknowledged that they hadn’t got this initial consultation process right.

    Meeting closed at 1530 hrs. PS/20.09.24/V Final

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