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Cllr Phil Smith

I have been a Parish Councillor since April 2022 and am currently Vice Chair of the Council, Chair of Maintenance and was previously councillor lead for the parish’s Homes for Ukraine Support Team.

I have lived in Modbury for the last 39 years having moved into the town from Bracknell in Berkshire.

I have spent most of my working career in social housing, first with Reading Borough Council in 1977, then Plymouth City Council from 1985, with Ocean Housing Group – a registered housing association in Cornwall – from 1999 and latterly as a consultant with Ark Consultancy Ltd.

My hobbies include most sports and I am a former Chairman of Ivybridge Rugby Club and current Secretary of Modbury Cricket Club.

I am passionate about environmental and housing issues and wish to see more affordable, and particularly social, housing in the parish to provide housing opportunities for younger and less well-off parishioners. I was a coopted member of Modbury’s Neighbourhood Plan Group from 2016 to 2021. I am also committed to caring for our public spaces and am involved on an annual basis with Modbury’s Christmas Lights.

I hope that, as a councillor, I can help create a vibrant and sustainable future for the town and parish.

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