Cllr Sarah Wyatt

Declaration of Interests
(656KB, pdf)
Alongside the many volunteering roles I have taken on in the community of Modbury I also work as an Independent Celebrant which involves writing and officiating at Weddings, Funerals, Memorials, Baby naming and vow renewals.
I love being outdoors come rain or shine. I love nature, wildlife, beautiful scenery and views. I love travelling. I love a bit of amateur dramatics, singing and listening to live music and going to the theatre. I am creative and enjoy making things- can’t say I’m an expert, but I do love everything arty.
I have, along with many people taken up wild swimming and can vouch for the fact that it’s lovely once you’re in! It is seriously good for my mental health; it makes me feel truly alive and ready to face the world, come what may. As you can imagine some aspects of my work can be very sad and distressing.
On that note, I have years of experience of working with people; I have been a nurse working in palliative care and oncology, a counsellor for sexual health and health related lifestyles. I spent several years at the Department of Health working in Tobacco Control. My clients tell me I’m empathic and that I truly listen to them, that I’m kind and caring. You can put your trust in me and expect me to be discreet. Unless you tell me otherwise, all of my work is confidential.
I have worked with people of all ages, from all walks of life, ethnicity, gender and embrace each and every one, no matter what. I welcome the LGBTQI+ community.
I am a naturally inquisitive person and enjoy finding out about the community I live in, I am interested in people and want to do my very best for the community I live in. I have lived in Modbury since 1985 and have brought my children up in the town. My husband Rob was the local GP and for many years I played a supporting role. I have organised the Modbury May Fair, the Craft Market, Music Festivals, the Barrow Market and the Rooster Ramble and many, many shows and concerts with the Modbury Players, writing, directing, producing and performing all with the intention of bringing the community together and bringing visitor into the town.
As a parish Councillor I want to be part of the future of Modbury and the parish, helping it thrive and flourish with sustainability and environmental issues in mind. I want it to retain its amazing community feel as a welcoming, friendly and safe is just the most amazing place to live, explore, shop and eat.
Within the council I currently sit on the maintenance committee
The Community Engagement Working Group
The Sustainability Working Group
Within the community I am a trustee for the Modbury Memorial Hall. a trustee for the Modbury Town Improvement Charity which I lead.
I sit on the Modbury Players Committee
I co-run the Modbury Barrow Market
I sit on the Modbury Traders Group
I sit on the ModWAG (Modbury Wildlife Action Group) and the Litter Pickers’ Committee